Whether its packing for your trip, or inspiring global citizens in your school, we want to make it easier and more fun. Put our 50 years of experience in travel and education to work for you with these downloadable guides, lesson plans, checklists, and more.
Featured Resource
6 Unique Travel Program Fundraisers (That Parents Won’t Hate)
This white paper features some of the most creative fundraisers we’ve seen. Try them to make your next travel program a reality!
8 Cool Apps
These 8 cool phone apps will help you around school, while you're on travel or just knocking around town!
Packing List - California
This list will help you pack for your historical discovery of the early days of California. Pan for gold or tour the wild western town of Sacramento.
Packing List - Costa Rica
This list will help you pack for your adventures exploring the vibrant rain forests and unique wildlife of Costa Rica. Don't forget the sun screen!
Packing List - International
Use this list to help you pack for your international trip abroad. Be sure to pack a phone or camera to capture all of the memories you'll want to share.
Packing List: Florida
Use this list to help you pack for your trip to discover the wonders of Florida. Be sure to pack your swim suit to snorkel along a barrier reef, swim with manatees, or kayak through mangroves.
Packing List: Iceland
This list will help you to pack for your visit to Iceland and discover the wonders of the land of the Vikings.
Packing List: Illinois
This list will help you to pack for your trip to discover two incredible cities; Springfield with it's historical beginnings and "The Windy City" of Chicago.
Packing List: Inauguration
Use this list to help you pack for your trip to Washington, D.C. to experience one of America's proudest moments, the Presidential Inauguration.
Packing List: Washington, D.C. and New York
This list will help you pack for your trip to discover the monuments and memorials of Washington, D.C. and New York. Don't forget some comfortable shoes, you'll be walking our nations most famous streets!
Passport and Visa Photo Guide
Taking a passport or visa photo is as easy as taking a selfie, right? Wrong! The rules, plus tips and tricks to make it simple are all compiled here.
Four Journaling Apps
Keeping a travel journal? Try these great apps for cataloging your experience.
5 Tips to Take a Great Photo
Goodbye, blurry pics! Share your experience on your program with great photos.
A Music Educator’s Summer Checklist
This list will provide music educators and teachers with great ideas and exercises to help them stay active over the summer and prepare for the upcoming school year.
Publicity Tool Kit
Tips and tricks from a PR pro to get publicity for your group – whether your goal is to raise money, or highlight the exciting things you are doing (or did!) on your travel program.
5 Tough Topics
There is so much learning on our travel programs…and not all of it is about history, science, or mastering a new language.
Ways We Learn
The learning process is constantly evolving. We help transform how students learn on our travel programs.
Layers of Assurance
WorldStrides' commitment to safety and security is unparalleled. Learn more about the components of our risk management network, and recommended standards in the field of educational travel.
Press Release Template for History Programs
Get the news out about your upcoming history program with our press release template.
Press Release Template for Science Programs
Looking to get some publicity for your upcoming science program? Use our press release template to get the word out!
Media Alert Template
Want to invite the media to your upcoming event or fundraiser? Use this media alert template!
Classroom Wall Calendar - June 2019 - Science
This downloadable calendar is great for hanging up in the classroom! It features a beautiful photo of a coral reef and a variety of interesting science facts.
Classroom Wall Calendar - June 2019 - History
This downloadable calendar is great for hanging up in the classroom! This month's calendar features an impressive photo of the White House and a variety of historical facts.
An All-Star Program Leader's Guide to Social Media
Tips and tricks for using social media to promote your program! From fundraising, to parent meetings, to live updates on the ground, we've got you covered on how to use social media effectively!
Lesson Plan - Constitutional Character: Who was James Madison?
This lesson plan studies James Madison through the mindset of a social media profile. Using historical evidence, we create a social media profile for students to take a closer look at Madison.
Lesson Plan - Varying Perspectives and Responses to the Holocaust
This lesson plan relies on resources from the Holocaust Memorial Museum and allows students to consider various perspectives of the time and work with materials that informed different groups about the ...
Lesson Plan - Remembering Lincoln: Discovery Lesson Plan and Guide
This lesson plan invites students to explore primary sources about Abraham Lincoln, our 16th president, from a serious analytical perspective while simultaneously incorporating elements of discovery ...
Lesson Plan - Lincoln’s Words Live On
Explore texts available on fords.org, the website for our partners at Ford’s Theater, this lesson plan is designed to reveal that the words and concepts spoken by President Lincoln are still relevant today.
20 Quick Fixes for Behavior Management
This webinar provides you with steps to help you keep focused on your learning objectives in the classroom, reduce interference and zoom in on the education.
Lesson Plan - Lessons from Lincoln’s Leadership
Students will use independently-selected research to explore, dissect, and reassemble their understanding of Abraham Lincoln’s legacy in this lesson plan. Ask them to consider how/why his legacy is ...
Lesson Plan - Says who? Points of view from the 1860s!
Using resources from Ford’s Theater, this lesson plan is designed to invite students to explore materials related to President Lincoln, the Civil War, and several of the many viewpoints of the 1860s.
Lesson Plan - An Exquisitely Evil Analysis: Unlocking Secrets at the International Spy Museum
Drawing on themes from the International Spy Museum exhibit “Exquisitely Evil: 50 Years of Bond Villians,” this lesson plan asks students to flex their research skills ...
Lesson Plan - Mind Your Own Business: Spy Museum Lesson Plan
This lesson plan explores how codes and cyphers can be used to convey messages discretely, challenging students to rethink communication and to be particularly intentional in maintaining their privacy ...
Annotated Photo Journal - A Lesson Plan
This project-based lesson plan helps students generate meaning from photographers and use photographs with annotation to present their own perspective. It's valuable for students who are or are not traveling.
Washington, D.C. Museum
Our lesson plan contest grand prize winner, Alexander Purdy shares his lesson plan about Washington, D.C. Museums. This lesson plan is perfect for those planning a school trip to Washington, D.C.
Lesson Plan - Chicken: Not Just A Nugget
Lesson plan designed for Foreign Language classes that have returned from an international Perspectives program. Lesson plan contest submission by Michelle Myers, Mimma-Marie Cammarata, and Sharon Galt.
Lesson Plan - Teaching Media Literacy
Lesson plan designed to teach students to know where to turn for accurate information that paints the whole picture. Lesson plan contest submission by potpourri finalist, Amy Ripperger.
Lesson Plan - John Adams Memorial
Lesson plan for students are provided practice in thinking and research skills by learning to use the media center, primary documents, and community resources such as historic sites and buildings.
Lesson Plan - Cuba: De gustos y sabores
The lesson plan contest honorable mention goes to Gina Stackhouse. Her Spanish lesson plan, Cuba: De gustos y sabores" is geared to engage in conversation, provide and obtain information, express feelings ...
Lesson Plan - Biotechnologist: Genetically Modified Crops
The lesson plan contest honorable mention is Randy Paradise. His lesson plan, Biotechnologist: Genetically Modified Crops is designed for 8th-grade Biology students to emphasize the importance of the economy...
Lesson Plan - Plankton Races
This webinar presents a fun and easy science lesson for the classroom to reinforce the learning about a marine life food chain.
Many Roads, One Destination - Introducing Differentiation in Your Classroom
Webinar with strategies to help you with differentiation in the classroom with realistic approaches you can start to use right away.
The Importance of College Credit
This webinar will help you to better understand the importance of college credit programs for high school students and how to share that information with your classroom.
World Peace Game: Facing Real World Challenges Through Experiential Learning
Hear from two experts in experiential learning and discover how play and travel can help you be the teacher that makes a difference in the lives of your students.
What to Pack: Health and Safety Recommendations
What medicines or medical supplies should be bring on your travel experience? WorldStrides Medical Director Dr. Neal Sikka shares some advice.
Global Business Education with WorldStrides ISA
See how our higher ed team at WorldStrides ISA partners with business schools to create customized international programs that bring business education to life.
A Visit to Mount Vernon
A visit to Mt. Vernon with WorldStrides Course Leader Rohulamin Quander teaches much more than history. He shares the story of his ancestors, who lived there as slaves.
Discover Alaska
Explore America's Last Frontier - Alaska - with your students! Explore Anchorage, observe birds at Potter Marsh, visit Denali National Park to look for wildlife, and stop by the Iditarod Headquarters in Seward!
Unlocking Secrets for Students at the Spy Museum
The International Spy Museum joins forces with the WorldStrides Curriculum & Academics team to debrief educators on the unique opportunities awaiting their students in the form of exhibits, workshops, ...
Using USHMM Resources to Teach and Remember the Holocaust
First taped in 2014, this webinar continues to help educators navigate the powerful resources made available from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Lesson plan included.
Staying Safe from Flu and Other Viruses While Traveling
WorldStrides Medical Director Dr. Neal Sikka shares his advice for avoiding germs from flu and other viruses while traveling.
Ford's Theatre
In these two featured webinars, WorldStrides partners with Ford’s Theatre to offer educators an interactive peek into the theatre’s key exhibits. First taped in 2014, they continue to offer a great resource
7 Interesting Facts About Rome
Learn more about Italy's capital city with these interesting facts.
You can find more facts at https://worldstrides.com/blog/2016/10/12-interesting-facts-about-rome/
7 Interesting Facts about New York City
Did you know the Statue of Liberty came in pieces?
Learn more at https://worldstrides.com/blog/2017/10/12-interesting-facts-about-new-york-city
7 Interesting Facts about Paris
A few interesting facts you may not have known about Paris, the City of Light! For more fun facts about Paris and other amazing destinations for student travel, visit worldstrides.com/blog
7 Interesting Facts about Romania
Romania is a hidden gem, but we're not keeping its secret! Here are some things to know. We're taking off for Budapest just as soon as we can get our bags packed!
7 Interesting Facts about Venice
It's sinking a little each year! But in our view, that's just MORE reason to get to Venice as quickly as possible to see all that this city has to offer.
7 Interesting Facts About Costa Rica
Interesting facts about Costa Rica, and a look at what students explore while on a WorldStrides program.
7 Interesting Facts About Washington D.C.
A look at some of what students on a WorldStrides program in Washington D.C. explore and learn.
On-Site Insights: Air Force Memorial
Mo Barrett, Air Force Veteran and WorldStrides Course Leader, shares some insider insight on the Air Force Memorial in Washington D.C!
On-site Insights: Jefferson Memorial
Erica Rozek, WorldStrides Course Leader, fills us in on all the facts about the Jefferson Memorial!
On-Site Insights: Library of Congress
Cheri Hennessy, WorldStrides Course Leader, fills us in on Thomas Jefferson's library, and how it ended up at the Library of Congress!
On-Site Insights: Mount Vernon
Tracey Syfert, WorldStrides Course Leader, lets us in on some secrets about Mount Vernon!
On-Site Insights: National Cathedral
WorldStrides Course Leader Mary Beth Lane points out a detail you might not have noticed at the National Cathedral!
On-Site Insights: Washington Monument
Johanna Denowitz, a WorldStrides Course Leader, talks about what it was like to visit this treasure in the past!
On-Site Insights: White House
WorldStrides Course Leader Ron Page talks about how the White House was involved with the passing of the 19th Amendment!
On-Site Insights: Capitol Building
WorldStrides Course Leader Corky Rainey fills us in on the history of the Capitol Dome!
On-Site Insights: FDR Memorial
Brian Syfert, a WorldStrides Course Leader, discusses the fascinating engineering of the FDR Memorial!
On Site Insights: Indonesian Embassy
WorldStrides Course Leader Christian Mirasol explains to us why many embassies in Washington D.C are often found in mansions!
On-Site Insights: Lincoln Memorial
Anita Ehler, WorldStrides Course Leader, highlights why the Lincoln Memorial is a beacon of Democracy.
Fostering (and Modeling) Invention in the Classroom
We partnered with the Smithsonian National Museum of American History to bring you this informative and interactive webinar about how to encourage invention in the classroom among students.
Bringing Native American Perspectives into the Classroom
Explore the Smithsonian's National Museum of the American Indian's new approach to education about Native Americans.
Using Digital Museum Resources in the Classroom
We teamed up with the Smithsonian for this webinar to explore how you can use digital museum resources in the classroom.
Press Release Template - Fundraising for a K-12 Tour
This press release template will help you get the word out to local media about your efforts to fundraise for an upcoming tour with WorldStrides.
Press Release Template - Announce Performance Invitation (Dance/Cheer)
This public relations template will help get the work out to local media about your dance/cheer performance invitation.
Press Release Template - Announce Performance Invitation (Marching Band)
This public relations template will help you get the word out to local media about your marching band performance invitation.
Press Release Template - Acceptance to Honors Performance Series
This press release template will help you get the word out to local media about your acceptance to the Honors Performance Series.
Press Release Template - International Program
This press release template will help you announce to local media about your plans to lead an international tour.
Lesson Plan - Map & Directions
This lesson plan incorporates custom maps of major European destinations and accompanying activities that you can use to teach your students basic communication and navigation skills. This is a fun and easy ...
Lesson Plan - Mount Vernon - Photo - journalism - Enslaved People's Story
This lesson plan submitted by Mari Weiss encourages students to take time to view and reflect on the enslaved people's living quarters and memorials at Mount Vernon by telling a story through photographs.
Lesson Plan - Research a Veteran
This activity by Jon Mouw focuses on honoring local veterans by interviewing a veteran and then sharing a presentation with classmates.
Lesson Plan - The Dungeon of Economic Depression Escape Room
This lesson plan submitted by Barb Schwarz allows students to learn about economic depression by participating in the popular escape room activity.
Lesson Plan - The Call of the Wild
Students will identify different uses of the word "survival" in different contexts, and begin to develop a larger idea of what is required to be a survivor in this lesson plan submitted by Brad Francis.
Lesson Plan - Which One Doesn't Belong
In this lesson plan by Debra Duffey, students will look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning in Linear Equations, and then present their grids to the class.
Lesson Plan - Density Toy Project
This lesson plan submitted by Eric Brown teaches the principles of density, how to manipulate it, and graph it through the process of engineering a toy product.
2019 At-A-Glance Tile Calendar: Science
This science themed calendar will let you take a look at the entire year in a glance!
2019 At-A-Glance Tile Calendar: History
This history themed calendar will let you take a look at the entire year in a glance!
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Why Not to Read the Exhibit Label Right Away
These tips for visiting the Smithsonian American Art Museum will explain why you shouldn't read the exhibit labels right away.
Lesson Plan - Why we celebrate Veterans Day
This lesson plan submitted by Heather Wagner utilizes video clips to explore the history of sacrifice and freedom by our Veterans, and why we celebrate Veterans Day.
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Understanding a Museum Gallery
These tips from the Smithsonian American Art Museum will help you better understand a museum gallery and why they are displayed in certain ways.
Lesson Plan - Immigrant Scrap Book
Students learn to embrace diversity and different cultures by learning about the different groups of people who made the country what it is today in this lesson plan submitted by Jeff Palmer.
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Understanding A Zoo Habitat
These tips from the Smithsonian's National Zoo will help you understand more about animal's habitats at the zoo and why they are unique to each animal.
Lesson Plan - Cultural Introduction: Human Family by Maya Angelou
In this lesson plan submitted by Robert Cook, students will work in small groups to decipher stanza's from Maya Angelou's poem to determine their interpretation of what it means in relation to culture as a whol
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - This is an Animal's Home
These tips from the Smithsonian's National Zoo will show you how to respect an animal's home at the zoo.
Experience More - WorldStrides' International Tours
WorldStrides' international tours feature quality...with a purpose. Find a deeper experience, with authentic connections and cultural insights that make educational travel more.
WorldStrides Educator Resources: Assembling our Tile Files
Wondering how to decorate your classroom with ease? Find out how to create large posters for your classroom with our Tile Files, available in the WorldStrides Resource Library.
Lesson Plan - Washington, D.C. Drawing
Students will learn about the nation's capital through a topographical drawing activity, allowing them to develop an understanding of the major people and events and eras of American history in this lesson pl
Lesson Plan - Washington, D.C. Itinerary QR Code Scavenger Hunt
In this lesson plan submitted by Michael Bollinger, students will work together to learn about the historical significance of the sites they will see in Washington, D.C. by solving a mystery.
Lesson Plan - Serving Those Who Have Served Us - The Vietnam Veterans Memorial
In this lesson plan by Mike Allison, students will use research skills to understand the life of a man or woman whose name is listed on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, and determine what would be a meaningful...
7 Interesting Facts about Chicago
Interesting facts about Chicago, the Windy City! Take a look at some of the things students can see on our Chicago programs.
7 Interesting Facts about Boston
Here are some interesting facts about Boston, and a look at what students can learn on our Boston programs.
7 Interesting Facts about the Florida Keys
Interesting facts about the southernmost part of the United States, the beautiful Florida Keys. Learn more about our various Florida science programs on the WorldStrides blog.
7 Interesting Facts about San Francisco
Golden Gate Bridge and cable cars! Here are some interesting facts about San Francisco, and a look at some of what students can learn on our San Francisco program.
7 Interesting Facts about Williamsburg
Interesting facts about what is often called the world's largest living history museum - Colonial Williamsburg!
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Don't Touch the Objects, But...
Hear from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History about how bringing items from school or home to the museum can benefit and enhance your visit.
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Seeing More Than History
These tips from the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History will teach you how to look beyond just the display piece itself, and ask questions that will help you learn about all aspects ...
Smithsonian Tips for Visiting - Museum Etiquette
Learn basic museum etiquette from our friends at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, including how to better be aware of your surroundings and help prevent damaging pieces on display.
Classroom Hacks: Keeping in Touch with Parents
Start the school year off right with these tips for keeping in touch with your students' parents.
Classroom Hacks: Fish Eye Mirror
This classroom hack will help you keep an eye on your students, even when your back is turned!
Classroom Hacks: Dry Erase Markers
This classroom hack will help keep your dry erase markers from drying out.
Classroom Hacks: Name Sticks
You will use this classroom hack over and over again, and for many different reasons!
Classroom Hacks: Stickers on Desks
Here's how putting stickers on the corners of desks in your classroom can help you save a ton of time.
Classroom Wall Calendar - August 2019 - History
This downloadable calendar is perfect for hanging up in the classroom! This month's calendar features an impressive photo of the Smithsonian Institution (The Castle) and a variety of historical facts.
Classroom Wall Calendar - August 2019 - Science
This downloadable calendar is perfect for hanging up in the classroom! This month's calendar features an impressive photo of the Smithsonian Institution (The Castle) and a variety of historical facts.
Classroom Wall Calendar - September 2019 - History
Our September classroom wall calendar features an impressive photo of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. and a variety of interesting history facts. Use the instructions to make it a snap to assemble and
Classroom Wall Calendar - September 2019 - Science
Our September classroom calendar features a cool photo of a NASA Space Astronaut and a variety of interesting science facts. Use the instructions to make it a snap to assemble and hang on your wall.
Iceland Geothermal Tile Poster
Gee-OH! This colorful poster explains how Iceland uses geothermal energy to supply most of its electricity. Conveniently segmented into tiles for easy at-home color printing and assembly.
Engineering the Golden Gate Poster
A colorful asset for any social studies or science classrooms alike! This poster, segmented into tiles for at-home printing, shares 12 interesting facts about the engineering behind the Golden Gate Bridge.
Animals of the Florida Everglades Poster
With fun facts about seven species surviving in the Florida Everglades, this colorful poster would be great for science teachers, or anyone who loves the Everglades and its animals.
Sustainable Agriculture in Costa Rica Poster
This educational and beautiful poster is about sustainable agriculture in Costa Rica. The diverse nation is world-renown for its commitment to sustainability.
Classroom Wall Calendar - October 2019 - History
Our October classroom wall calendar features an impressive photo of the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. and a variety of interesting history facts.
Classroom Wall Calendar - October 2019 - Science
Our October classroom wall calendar features an impressive photo of the Montezuma Rain Forest in Costa Rica and a variety of interesting science facts. Use the instructions to make it a snap to assemble and han
Engaging in Hands On Smithsonian Activities in your Classroom
Learn about Smithsonian Libraries’ newest tool for bringing the Smithsonian into your classroom: Traveling Trunks is a lending library of curated collection boxes filled with objects, images, and music about
Fascinating facts you may not know about the Statue of Liberty
Think you know everything there is to know about the Statue of Liberty? Think again! Check out this quick sheet for some fascinating facts about Lady Liberty.
White House Realities
From crazy presidential pets to...dead people? Here are some interesting, hard-to-believe facts about the White House in Washington, D.C.
Become An Original Music Poster
Brighten your walls with a poster for the music lovers in your school. A great message that's perfect for music teachers...or fans!
State Foods Poster
Discover foods claimed by each of America's 50 states. Warning: this beautiful map may make you drool! Available in a tiled version for easy assembly.
White House Fun Facts
White House Fun Facts
This printable flyer will blow your students mind with some lesser-known information about America's most famous residence.
Iceland Geothermal Poster
Gee-OH! This colorful poster explains how Iceland uses geothermal energy to supply most of its electricity.
Music Poster
Brighten your walls with a little something for the music lovers in your school. Perfect for music teachers...or fans!
Foods Around the U.S. Map/Poster
Designed to make you drool, and learn! This gorgeous poster features foods that hail from each of America’s 50 states.
2019 WorldStrides Science Calendar - October
This wall calendar is packed with fun facts about science.
Lesson's from Lincoln's Leadership Lesson Plan
This lesson plan, produced as part of a collaboration between WorldStrides and Ford’s Theater, asks students to use independently-selected research to explore, dissect, and reassemble their understanding ...
Exploring History and Becoming Us Webinar
Preview Becoming Us - the newest set of resources from the National Museum of American History. Becoming Us looks at U.S. history through the lens of migration and features case studies looking at ...
9 Ways to Travel Sustainably
Interested in limiting the environmental impact of your travel? Try these suggestions to travel more sustainably!
9 Tips to Travel More Sustainably
Looking for ways to limit your environmental impact while traveling? Try some of these tips to travel more sustainably.
2019 WorldStrides History Calendar - December
This wall calendar is packed with fun facts about history, and features a great photo of the U.S Capitol during the Holidays!
2019 WorldStrides Science Calendar - December
This wall calendar is packed with fun science facts, and features a lovely photo of a Trichechus manatus latirostris. (Otherwise known as a West Indian Manatee!)
Press Release Template - Fundraising for a Performing Event
Use this press release template as a guide to reach out to local media to advertise fundraising efforts for your participation in an upcoming WorldStrides performance event, such as a Heritage Festival.
Press Release Template - Fundraising for Sports
For groups traveling with our Sports division, use this press release template to advertise your team's fundraising efforts around the Manchester United raffle.
Press Release Template - Sports Tour
Contact local media to share the exciting news about your sports team's upcoming tour by using this press release template. Download, customize, and send.
Elements of LEAP
Have you heard of LEAP? It's our trademarked learning approach, anchored in Experiential Learning Theory. LEAP leverages the best practices in teaching and learning.
7 Interesting Facts about Iceland
Whether exploring the historic and cultural centers of Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, or traveling the famed Golden Circle, a visit to Iceland is truly an unforgettable experience.
7 Interesting Facts about the Galapagos
See what makes the 18 islands of the Galapagos – and their wildlife – so unique!
7 Interesting Facts about Peru
Peru is a colorful land of textiles, ancient ruins, and incredible culture. It’s also home to one of America’s favorite foods – and an interesting national dish!
7 Interesting Facts about Alaska
With its abundance of wildlife, natural resources, and diverse landscapes, it’s no wonder why Alaska is known as America’s last great frontier! Want to know why it’s a place you should check out? Here ...
World War II Memorial
World War II was the biggest and deadliest war in history, and more than 30 countries were involved in the massive conflict. What do you know about the history, significance, and symbolism of the World War II.
World War II Memorial with Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - World War II Memorial.
White House
At the turn of the nineteenth century, democracy was still a novel form of government and it was uncommon for leaders in other countries to voluntarily leave and relinquish control of power. Elections for ...
Washington Monument
Despite its construction being halted due to war and its structure damaged by natural forces, the Washington Monument has stood the test of time as a testament to our nation’s first commander in chief and ...
Washington Monument - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Washington Monument.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial was designed by Maya Lin, a 21-year old student from Yale University, whose entry beat out more than 1,400 other submissions in a design competition for the new memorial.
Vietnam Veterans Memorial - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
US Capitol Activity
At one point, the Capitol Building was the geographic center of Washington, D.C. Today, it remains as one of the most pristine examples of American neoclassical architecture, also called “Federal ...
US Capitol Activity - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - US Capitol Activity.
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
The factors that led to the rise of the Nazi Party and eventual appointment of its leader, Adolf Hitler, as Chancellor of Germany, are long and complex. The period in Germany between the two World Wars, ...
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
National Museum of African American History and Culture
Early efforts at establishing a museum dedicated to the accomplishments and history of African Americans date back all the way to 1915. African American veterans of the Union Army were dissatisfied ...
National Museum of African American History and Culture - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Museum of African American History and Culture.
National Portrait Gallery
While the Smithsonian Institution is commonly associated with its more famous history and natural science museums, they also administer the National Portrait Gallery. It is the only museum in ...
National Portrait Gallery - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Portrait Gallery.
National Archives
Did you know that the National Archives consist of dozens of facilities spread across the country? But the headquarters, housed in the National Archives Building in Washington, D.C., contains some of the ...
National Archives - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Archives.
Mount Vernon
The land that Mount Vernon occupies was first owned by the Washington family as early as the 1670s. Expanded upon and passed down through generations of the family, it is most famous as the house and ...
Lincoln Memorial
Honest Abe hardly needs an introduction. The president who held the union together and brought slavery to an end is revered and honored by all. But what do you know about his grand memorial in our nation’s...
Lincoln Memorial - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Lincoln Memorial.
Library of Congress
Did you know that the Library of Congress is the largest library in the world and the oldest federal cultural institution in the United States? What other fascinating facts can you uncover about our national...
Library of Congress - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Library of Congress.
L’Enfant and Urban Design
How did a French painter come to be the designer of Washington, D.C.? Discover the life and story of Pierre Charles L’Enfant and his lasting influence on our nation’s capital.
L’Enfant and Urban Design - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - L’Enfant and Urban Design.
Korean War Veterans Memorial
What do you know about the history, significance, and symbolism of the Korean War Memorial?
Korean War Veterans Memorial - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Korean War Veterans Memorial.
Jefferson Memorial
Thomas Jefferson may be best known as our third president, but he also accomplished many other feats. What do you know about Jefferson’s life and accomplishments, as well as his other memorial in our ...
Jefferson Memorial - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Jefferson Memorial.
FDR Memorial
The longest-serving president, FDR (as he was commonly known) served a record four consecutive terms and led the United States through most of the Great Depression and World War II. What else do you know ...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial
MLK is the first African-American and one of the few non-presidents to be memorialized on the National Mall. In addition to any prior knowledge you may have, use your research skills and the resources ...
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial.
Arlington National Cemetery
Located in Virginia, across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C., the national cemetery of the United States is the hallowed resting place of more than 400,000 American citizens and foreign nationals ...
Arlington National Cemetery - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - Arlington National Cemetery.
National Museum of American History
The Smithsonian Institution is often referred to as “the nation’s attic,” due to its diverse collection of important historical artifacts. One of the core pieces of this is dedicated entirely to the ...
National Museum of American History - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Museum of American History.
National Air and Space Museum
This is the most popular museum in Washington, D.C. In fact, it’s the second most popular museum in the country (behind New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art) and fifth most popular in the world!
National Air and Space Museum - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Air and Space Museum.
National Museum of Natural History
Opened in 1910, this museum traces its origins back even further, to the founding of the Smithsonian Institution itself. Originally housed in the Smithsonian Castle – located directly across the Mall.
National Museum of Natural History - Answer Key
This contains the answers to the above worksheet - National Museum of Natural History.
Powerful Portraits
It's been said that a picture is worth a thousand words...but what are portraits trying to tell us? Portraits and photographs can be used to send messages, convey feelings, share experiences, or gain power.
Endangered Species Social Media Activity
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) provides a program for the conservation of threatened and endangered plants and animals and the habitats in which they are found.
Weather, Climate, and Energy Worksheet
This mini-lesson worksheet is optimized for teaching students about global change as it relates to Weather, Climate, and Energy relating to renewable and nonrenewable resources.
Your Carbon Footprint
Studies show that human activity is causing major changes to Earth’s climate. Leaders in environmentalism share a sense of responsibility towards preventing further global climate change and improving ...
Renewable Energy
In the United States, just over 11 percent of energy consumed is produced by renewable sources. The overwhelming majority of our energy still comes from fossil fuels.
Censorship Activity
Censorship is more than strict rules against nudity or the bleeps heard when someone curses on radio or television. Censorship may include different rules, ideas, or concepts depending on where you are in ...
When the Going Gets Tough
What challenge might you take on if time, money, and the required preparations were not obstacles? If you were to endeavor to take on something risky and outside your comfort zone, what would it be?
Good Vibrations
Learning about new, interesting global music can make you a better musician by introducing new styles, forms, and instruments. Take some time to listen to some new music. Ask your parents and neighbors ...
How Can Music Evoke Emotion
Often, music is both written and listened to because it has meaning. Pieces/lyrics are written to express emotions or tell a story.
7 Interesting Facts Videos
We’ve pulled together some interesting facts about some of the many places that you can travel to on a WorldStrides travel program. These videos can be used as a short distraction during the day ...
Box By Box
A Ted Talk by Hans Rosling serves as the inspiration for this exercise around global population growth.
The Time 100
This activity challenges you to think about the 100 Most Influential People list published each year by Time Magazine. Your answers can be either written or recorded into a video.
In My Life
Are you listening to music or actually hearing it? In this exercise, you'll deepen your understanding of the difference between just hearing and actually listening to the music.
Our Loss of Wisdom
Using a TED Talk by Barry Schwartz as inspiration, in this assignment you'll describe a situation in your life where you disagreed with, were unable to follow, or you chose not to follow a specific rule.
UNESCO World Heritage Site
Spend some time exploring the UNESCO World Heritage website. Now, it’s your turn to propose the next UNESCO World Heritage site in your community, region, or state. In this activity, you'll make your case ...
Lesson Plan - Annotated Photo Journal
Students will understand that photographs with annotations can send specific messages.
Lesson Plan - Google Tour
For teachers who want to inspire wanderlust in their students! This lesson plan, adapted for virtual learning, utilizes technology to let students explore the world by generating student-led investigations.
Virtual Tours and Cams
This handy reference guide provides a listing with links of some of our favorite virtual tours and web cams. It's a great way to see amazing destinations in the comfort and safety of your own home.
Nature Writing
Annie Dillard's essay on mangrove trees is your inspiration as you get a glimpse into the world of a nature writer. Learn how they take part in a different kind of observation as they study the natural world.
Why are Animals Important
In this assignment, you'll answer the question "why are animals important." Your presentation will address questions around what would happen if certain animals become extinct or if humans need animals ...
Marine Invertebrates
In this question and categorization exercise, you'll learn more about marine invertebrates and their role within the Kingdom Animalia.
Resource Guide for Athletes
Designed specifically for the student athlete, this reference guide has some helpful links you can access - everything from cleaning your gear to pro tips by Red Bull athletes.
We the People
Are government elections always fair? Should the Constitution be changed to place term limits on members of Congress? Is holding elections for members of the House of Representatives every two years ...
Time Capsule
In this activity, you'll write a letter to future students about the time capsule you created and why you believe it's important for these students to read your article.
My Generation
Using Terry Kim's quote as your inspiration, you will discuss the impact that technology will have on musicians and the music industry as a whole.
Melodies on My Mind
Music can play a big role in your life and your memories. In this activity, you'll write how music has made a change in your life, and how it impacted you emotionally.
Population Clock
Using the US Census website for your inspiration, in this activity, you'll think about the possible problems that may arise by having so many people in one location - or some of the benefits.
Fair Play
Watch former Wimbledon Doubles Champion talk about the concept of fair play before writing your own statement about what you feel are the most important aspect of fair play.
Your Code of Conduct
After reading Brandon Cullen's TED Talk "Life Lessons from the Minors,", this activity will challenge you to come up with a personal Code of Conduct. This Code of Conduct should contain information on your...
UN Millennium Development Goals
In this activity, you'll create your own social media campaign to address the issues highlighted in the UNDP Millennium Development Goals 2015 Report that still need addressed today.
Water Testing
This is an activity taken directly from our Habitat H2O Discovery Journal. You'll learn about water testing, specifically ph levels, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and salinity.
Ways to Honor those who Served
In what ways can we honor those who paid the ultimate price? In what ways can we honor all soldiers who serve our nation? For this assignment, you will honor a friend, coach, teacher, family member, mentor...
Civic Engagement
In this activity, think of and pray about an issue or policy in your school that you would like to change. Then, plan your course of action. You'll write four paragraphs addressing four key questions in ...
Your Future Self
In this assignment, you'll make a collage that represents your future self. In doing so, you'll reflect on the past to imagine where you'll be in 15 years. In your answer, you'll include three images or ...
Compare Leaders
In this activity, you'll think through the different leaders that have influenced you. Compare two leaders, then determine how leadership traits may vary between leaders, and explain if those traits relate ...
Importance of National Documents
In this activity you'll answer 5 questions regarding the importance of our national documents like the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence.
Museum Renovation
Imagine it's the year 2030 and you have been given the job of renovating one of the museums in Washington D.C. and you've been asked to remake the museum from a Christian perspective. In this activity, ...
Life of a Soldier
In this group activity, you'll find a military service member to interview then you'll compare your answers with the group. Why did this service member join the military? What did they learn from their ...
Foreign Films
Films can provide a unique insight into foreign cultures and places. In this course for international travelers, we ask students to watch a film from their destination country and compare their own ...
Squid Dissection
In this activity taken from our Splash into Science Discovery Journal, you'll discuss dissections while learning more about squid and dolphin anatomy.
Smithsonian Science Resources
Here are some of our favorite science resources straight from the Smithsonian Learning Lab. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
Uncovering America’s Indigenous History
Several of the Smithsonian Museums offer exhibits and displays that tell the stories of indigenous people. Here are a few of the ones we found most helpful and interesting in telling the story of Native ...
California State History - Sutter's Fort
This fun activity taken from our California State History Discovery Journal looks at Sutter's Fort and it's role in the famous Gold Rush.
California State History - Fill in the Blank Activity
This fun fill in the blank activity will cover many of the more famous facts, figures, and locations of California's rich state history.
California State History - How Government Works
This activity sheet, taken from the California State History Discovery Journal, looks at the three branches of government and items such as how an idea becomes a law.
California State History - Transcontinental Railroad
This exercise looks at the Transcontinental Railroad: a timeline of it's history and it's impact on the west coast.
Climate Threats and Technology
In this activity, you'll look at the major threats to the sustainability of life on Earth and the same technologies that may have been the cause of some of our climate changes can also help shift our focus ...
Implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Throughout a series of questions, you'll ultimately answer the question of how emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and robotics impact economic inequality, business, government, and people.
Volcanic Myths and Legends
After you read an article by the BBC, in this activity, you'll consider the following questions: How do you think myths and legends surrounding volcanoes help people cope with disaster? What role ...
Scientific Management
In this week long activity, you will look at Taylorism, known as scientific management. Henry Ford used Taylorism to revolutionize the auto industry. Now it's your turn to use it for your every day chores.
Should I Stay or Should I Go
After watching the video and two articles provided, consider the following questions as it relates to a person's decision to stay or not to stay during a natural disaster: What reasons would lead a person ...
Living in an Intelligent World
Is artificial intelligence always a good thing? In this exercise, you'll read this article regarding AI and cars and the consider the following questions: What are some arguments in favor of increased ...
What Does Science Tell Us About Time?
Consider the existence of time, through a telescope and microscope. Whether we can see it or not, everything has a date stamp. Or does it? Bring your sense of exploration along for a look at time’s own ...
Time savers
Across the world, maintaining cultural sites for future generations is an exercise in a special form of time management – preservation. Using UNESCO World Heritage Sites as your guide, learn more about ...
Where Does Time Come From and How Do I See It?
How you might experience time compared to, say, anyone else on the planet, could be pretty similar or totally different? Ideal for social studies and history students, explore how time shapes us, how we ...
Better Late Than Never?
Not usually. Learn how to shake the “I’ll do it laters” with this Ted Talk on Procrastination and these time management tips and strategies. Once you’ve done that, brainstorm some ways ...
Make Time for Movement
In a period of isolation and social distancing, staying physically active has never been more important or impactful on your entire being. Using Tabata, build an exercise curriculum at home to keep you ...
Expressing Time with Art
Time has limits, and what happens between its start and a finish is a window into seasons, people, cycles, and cultures. Check out British artist Andy Goldsworthy and his work on the idea of impermanence ...
Become a Citizen Scientist
Amateur observers have always played an important role in helping scientists collect observations and data. Today, with the help of your smartphone – or simply using your own five senses – you can too.
People Are a History of Connection
Now more than ever we need to stay connected as we are unable to be together in person. Consider the ways we connect with people and the dramatic changes in communication since the invention of ...
International Connections and Community Spirit
The International Center of Photography is inviting people from around the world to share their stories through photography. Pen pals are a classic way to “meet” new people around the world Why did English
Growth Happens
Learn how to start Kitchen Scrap Gardening and examine natural growth in unusual places! These activities are designed so that you can examine the growth that continues to occur, even in the most improbable ...
Dance Moves Culture
Around the globe and throughout generations, dance has always played a fundamental part of what we call “culture”. Like spoken and written language, it is one of the most basic ways that we communicate...
Grow West, Young Man
Westward expansion saw the United States grow into a nation that stretched from coast to coast. Looking back, it may seem that the growth of our country was ‘destined’ to occur – but is that really ...
How does your community recognize the legacy of veterans and other leaders?
Learn about numerous memorials around Washington D.C, and then create a memorial for an event or figure in your local community.
How Deep Do Your Roots Go?
What are the lasting traditions of your family’s cultural history? It’s time to explore your family’s roots, where you’ve come from, and where you’re going! How much do you know about your family ...
What Does Your Legacy Look Like?
Scientists are constantly asking questions, collecting evidence, and refining their knowledge. Thanks to their efforts, each generation can come to understand the world a little more fully than those who ...
Prehistoric Cave Painting
One of the unique traits that make us human is our need to express ourselves. Some forms of expression, like dance require little in the way of tools or equipment. Visual art, however, was a much bigger ...
International Travel
Traveling often challenges us to immerse ourselves in a new environment, speak another language, and experience the world in a new way. We all have destinations that are at the top of our lists to visit,
Challenge Accepted!
Throughout history, we’ve been motivated by the desire to achieve what hasn’t been done, to face our challenges head-on. This week, are you up to the challenge to learn from the past to face the future?
Recipe Resourcefulness
Science works hard behind the scenes of nearly everything we do in our lives, including how we get our food and how we cook. We will consider how much water is used in food production, whip up something ...
Resourcefulness in History
In history, there are so many stories of resourcefulness. How did individuals or groups solve problems, defy the odds, or persist when they were told they couldn’t do something? What qualities/attributes ...
Resourcefulness and the Global Supply Chain
The coronavirus pandemic is testing our resources and our resourcefulness. Students have been forced into online learning. Professionals have started working from home. Restaurants are delivering food ...
The Quiltmakers of Gee’s Bend
Challenging times and circumstances can push us to our limits. Thankfully, artists of all kinds – visual artists, musicians, and dancers alike – are no strangers to problem-solving. In fact, some of the ...
Exploring Curiosity
Think about some of the remarkable discoveries that have been made over the course of history. The desire to gather information, seek experiences, and explore are inherent human traits rooted in curiosity.
Curiosity in the World
When you lean into your curiosity, you become more open to new experiences. While international travel is a great way to broaden your perspective, there are many other ways you can learn about different ...
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