WorldStrides is committed to its efforts to comply with relevant modern slavery laws and endorses the implementation and promotion of responsible business practices to protect our participants and team members, as well as workers within our supply chain from harassment, exploitation, and abuse. Our CSR Principles for Commercial Relations addresses not using forced or slave labor.

WorldStrides will not do business with any company that has forced labor practices. New vendors are closely reviewed to make sure they comply with our responsible business practices, which outlines that our “business partners undertake to respect human rights within their businesses. They should ensure that the working conditions of their employees are proper and comply with applicable local and international legislation.” Additionally, “our business partners should not practice or benefit from any form of servitude, human trafficking or slavery and must comply with the provisions of Convention No. 29 of the ILO. Our business partners should also not make use of any work or service provided by any person involuntarily and/or under threat of penalty. Withholding an employee’s identity documents and the payment of a deposit as a condition of employment should also be prohibited.”

WorldStrides has a strong posture against corruption and bribery consistent with the antibribery and anti-corruption laws that exist in many of the countries around the world. Bribes, fraudulent conduct, kickbacks, illegal payments, and any other offers of value that may inappropriately influence or secure improper advantage are strictly prohibited as we recognize that these behaviors can support modern slavery and human trafficking. We ask all our vendors to complete the WorldStrides Responsible Business Practices Survey, which documents their responses for forced labor policies, conditions of employment, discrimination, harassment, and inhuman treatment and allows our company to assess for compliance with our responsible business practices. This affords WorldStrides an opportunity to assess for compliance and risk.

WorldStrides continually reviews policies and best practices to ensure that we are compliant and operating in an ethical, social, and environmentally responsible manner to include monitoring and mitigating the risks of slavery and human trafficking within the company’s supply chain.

Annual Statement
From January 1, 2023, to January 1, 2024, there were no identified cases or reports of modern slavery or violation of human rights within WorldStrides or within the supply chain.