Educational Tour to Amsterdam, Brussels & Paris | WorldStrides


A Western European Trio

Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris—A Western European Trio. Your first stop, and performance, is in Amsterdam, with its legendary canals and tolerant vibe. Next head to Brussels, capital of the European Union. Wrap up your trip with a final performance in Paris, the most visited city in the world (and for very good reason).
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Netherlands, Belgium...

  • Amsterdam Canal
  • Arromanches D-Day
  • Bayeux Cathedral
  • Eiffel Tower
  • Royal Palace Amsterdam
  • Louvre Museum

Your adventure, day by day

Day 1 : Departure from North America
Flight to Amsterdam

Enjoy full meal service on your scheduled wide-bodied flight to Amsterdam.

Day 2 : Explore Amsterdam
Arrive in Amsterdam

You will be met at the airport by your tour manager/guide who will accompany you to your hotel in central Amsterdam. We will stay in our centrally located hotel for the next three nights.

Introductory Boat Tour

Day 3 : Perform in Amsterdam
Van Gogh Museum

This morning we will visit the Van Gogh Museum, which houses an unrivaled collection of 200 paintings and 400 drawings by the famous Dutch artist.

Anne Frank’s House

We will then visit Anne Frank’s House where the heroine hid from the Nazis during World War II and chronicled her experiences in her diaries.

First Concert Performance

Your first concert performance will be today.

Day 4 : Journey to Brussels
Walking Tour

We journey today to Brussels, the capital of Belgium and home to the headquarters of NATO and the European Union. Brussels is an international and cosmopolitan city with a history that stretches back 1,000 years. Our walking tour of the city will include a visit to the Grand Place, the magnificent square that is the city’s pride and joy. In addition, we will view the 15th century Town Hall, the Royal Palace, and the charming statuette of Manneken Pis.

Day 5 : Explore Brussels
Explore Old Town

The Baroque guild houses with ornamental facades line the square while the nearby cobbled streets epitomize the charm of the Old Town.

Maison Du Roi

We will visit the Maison Du Roi, which houses the Museum of the City of Brussels and whose collection spans the history of the city and the applied arts for which it is famous.

Second Concert Performance

Your second concert performance will be today.

Day 6 : Explore Bayeux
Travel to Bayeux

We will journey south today to Bayeux, a city rich in Norman history and the first French town to be liberated on D-Day + 1, June 7, 1944.

Bayeux Cathedral

We will visit Bayeux Cathedral and view the nearby Bayeux Tapestry, which depicts the last landed invasion of Britain in 1066 by William the Conqueror and the Normans, culminating in the Battle of Hastings and the death of King Harold.

Day 7 : Normandy Beaches
Invasion Museum

Our tour of the Normandy Beaches will vividly bring to life the momentous events of June, 1944 when the Allied Invasion proved to be the turning point of World War II. We will view the Invasion Museum and Mulberry Harbour at Arromanches, the German Battery at Longues-sur-Mer, and the American Military Cemetery at Coleville-sur-Mer.

Head to Paris

From the past to the lively and cosmopolitan present, we shall make our way to Paris, considered by many to be the most beautiful capital in the world.

Day 8 : Paris: The Revolution and Napoleon
Arc de Triomphe

Our day begins with an ascent of the Arc de Triomphe, built to commemorate Napoleon’s greatest military victories. We then take a walk along one of the world’s most famous and elegant streets, the Avenue des Champs Elysees, to the Place de la Concorde, where Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were guillotined.


We then continue to the Louvre, one of the world's greatest museums, which began as a fortress in the 1200s and was built up over the centuries into one of Europe’s largest palaces. Among the most loved of the Louvre's estimated 400,000 items are the delicate Venus De Milo and Leonardo da Vinci's enigmatic Mona Lisa.

Notre Dame

Our afternoon concludes at the Cathedral of Notre Dame, scene of Napoleon’s coronation. Here, the energetic can climb the south tower to look for the hunchback!

Dinner in the Latin Quarter

This evening we will dine as a group in the Latin Quarter.

Day 9 : Paris of the Impressionists
Musee D’Orsay

This morning, we visit the Musee D’Orsay, which houses the world’s finest collection of Impressionist paintings, including works by Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, and Cezanne.

Eiffel Tower

Next we will ascend the Eiffel Tower for a breathtaking view over the City of Lights.

Sacre Coeur

This evening, we go to the church of Sacre Coeur in the artists' haunt of Montmartre to admire the magnificent view over Paris.

Final Concert Performance

Your third and final concert performance will be today.

Day 10 : Final Farewell
Departure from Paris

Your enjoyable and rewarding tour will come to an end as your tour director accompanies you to the airport for the return flight home.

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