Oxford Study Abroad Summer Program | WorldStrides


The Oxford Tradition

The Oxford Tradition is a 4-week program that enables students to take courses with leading academics, including Rhodes Scholars and University lecturers. Students select the courses that most interest them and reside in Pembroke and Corpus Christi Colleges. Students also immerse themselves in Oxford and go on field trips, including one to London. [button url="https://www.oxbridgeprograms.com/I-Want-To-Travel-To/England/Oxford-Programs/The-Oxford-Tradition" color='orange' new_window=true]Learn More[/button]
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4 weeks

The Oxford Tradition – Session Information

We offer over 40 courses all taught by university experts and industry professionals. Subjects range from art history, economics and filmmaking to engineering, creative writing and many more.

Students choose a major and a minor. The major meets for three-and-a-half hours for six mornings per week. The minor and the minor meets for two hours, three afternoons per week. Students also take part in hands-on experiences and academic extracurricular activities every afternoon.

For more information, please visit our website oxbridgeprograms.com,
email us at info@oxbridgeprograms.com
or call us at +1 (800) 828-8349 or +1 (212) 932-3049.

Oxford summer study, Oxbridge tradition
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