Custom University Travel to Germany | WorldStrides


Custom University Travel to Germany

Germany is the nation that gave the world Einstein, Beethoven, Martin Luther, and Johannes Gutenberg. It is also a country laden with the legacy of Nazi Germany and the Cold War. Today’s Germany is an economic and political leader, full of culture-rich cities and powerhouse brands. In short, custom university travel to Germany delivers ample opportunities in areas of study from A to Z.
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Our approach to faculty-led programs and short-term study abroad is in our name: custom. Like a fingerprint, each faculty-led custom program is unique, and our capabilities across 110+ countries are unmatched. By incorporating your curriculum goals, we source one-of-a-kind experiences that better prepare your students for future careers by exposing them to international culture, businesses, and academic engagements. From selecting your destination to identifying interactive engagements that bring your curriculum to life, our thematic approach ensures that your program is finetuned to the learning outcomes and unique needs of you and your students.


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Once your program is developed, you’ll work directly with an account manager who will be your champion, working directly with our large team of logistical experts, curriculum specialists, and on-the-ground partners. Our long-time university partners see their account managers as an integral part of their own university teams, ensuring that your program is uniquely yours each and every year.

To begin customizing your program, give us a call at 1-800-422-2368.

Meet Jennifer Fisher

Jennifer Fisher leads our WorldStrides Custom Programs team, working directly with university partners to globalize their curriculum through short-term, faculty-led cultural immersions. Jen brings a passion for customized curriculum solutions to this role after more than 25 years working with institutions of higher learning.

Topics to Explore

 In Germany, you might choose to explore some of the following topics:


The list of German automotive brands is a Who’s Who in the luxury automobile market. Germany is also one of the leading automobile parts manufacturing countries in the world. Explore the legacy of the brands, the quest to innovate, and the challenges of supply chain management in visits to one or more factories or headquarters.

Rise of the Third Reich

Delve into the difficult history of Germany with a look at how Hitler came to power. Study the confluence of events that presented the opportunity for his leadership and visit sites of some of his most important rallies as you learn more about the incredible propaganda machine of the Nazi movement. A visit to a concentration camp will drive home the painful costs of the era and allow your group a chance to honor the dead.

Finance and the Eurozone

Germany’s culture of conservative fiscal financial management, tied with heavy union and cultural diversity issues, makes this country a good destination through which to understand the relationship between public policy, institutional practices, workforce management, and consumer behavior. As home to the European Central Bank, it is also an excellent place to examine the politics of the Eurozone.


Destination Overview

Germany Now

As Europe’s largest economy, Germany is widely seen as the anchor of the continent’s sometimes troubled institutions. Its highly-skilled workforce is the envy of Europe and fuels its low unemployment rates. But Germany’s economic stability has forced the nation into the role of creditor in the Eurozone. Though Chancellor Angela Merkel has wielded significant political clout during this time, she’s been both praised and maligned for her role in imposing austerity measures on the reluctant nations of southern Europe.

Today, Germany is setting the pace as a leading exporter of machinery, vehicles, and chemicals, and is home to iconic brands Volkswagen, Porsche, and Siemens. It also boasts world-class museums and historical sites, scenic drives, beautiful rivers, and famous festivals including Oktoberfest that draw visitors by the tens of thousands. Its appeal is multi-dimensional and undeniable—an ancient player still holding many influential cards.

Germany Now

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