Career Exploration 101: Set Up Your High Schooler for Success

As a parent, you want to set your high schooler up for success. You know that helping them explore interests and careers now can give them a head start on their future. But where do you begin when it comes to career exploration? 

Career exploration is all about helping your teen learn about various careers so they can make informed decisions about their education and career path. It involves exposing them to various career paths and fields of inquiry, giving them hands-on experiences, and allowing them to assess what fits their skills and interests. 

Here are some tips to guide your high schooler through career exploration: 

Discuss Interests and Values 

Have conversations about activities your teen enjoys or is curious to learn more about. Do they love assembling things? Are they outgoing and sociable? Do they want to make an impact on the world? Understanding their interests and what’s important to them is key. 

Research Career Options 

Work together to identify various careers related to their interests. Resources like the Occupational Outlook Handbook ( allow you to search by interest area. Encourage your student to learn about the day-to-day responsibilities, education requirements, job outlook, and salary ranges. Weigh the pros and cons of different careers with them. 

Job Shadow Professionals 

Job shadowing allows teens to observe someone at work, ask questions, and gain hands-on experience. Many companies and professionals are open to hosting students – your student just has to ask! Or you could connect your teen with family friends and neighbors who have interesting careers. Even one day of job shadowing can make whole careers come to life. 

Attend Career Fairs and Events 

Career fairs connect high schoolers with employers and colleges, allowing teens to explore different companies and career paths through exhibitor booths and activities. There are probably local career fairs taking place near you at least once or twice a year. Career days are another way to introduce students to professionals. Ask your child’s educators about bringing professionals into the classroom. These events make career exploration social and interactive, and can help your teen test drive their networking skills. 

Take Tests and Assessments 

Career interest surveys, skill assessments, and aptitude tests can all provide insight into what careers may be a good fit based on your teen’s strengths and preferences. While not definitive, they are a useful tool, especially when paired with other exploration tactics. One tool that can help mentor a student’s career journey is MyActionPath by WorldStrides. MyActionPath curates career guidance into actionable steps, allowing students to track progress toward future career goals and build a self-awareness that carries beyond the classroom. (Discovering your calling is priceless, but MyActionPath is free!) 

Gain Hands-On Experience 

Look into summer career exploration programs specifically for high school students. Many programs allow teens to take trial runs of different careers through real-world simulations, group projects, and skill-building activities. For example, NYLF Medicine & Health Care is a health care career program that takes students behind-the-scenes of a career in medicine, from taking vital signs and making diagnoses to visiting medical schools and simulation centers. NYLF Law & CSI includes mock trial competitions and introduces students to prominent guest speakers. NYLF Engineering features immersive workshops and design challenges. Hands-on activities make future careers feel within reach. 

Talk to Your Teen 

Reflect with your high schooler on what they are enjoying and learning throughout their career exploration journey. Help them track their changing interests and emerging skills and encourage them to stay flexible and open to exploring multiple career paths. The goal is expanding your teen’s perspectives, not locking them into one choice. 

By guiding your high schooler through career exploration, you empower them to make informed decisions about their future. With some discovery and hands-on experience now, they will feel confident pursuing their purpose and passion in the future. 

Feeling overwhelmed or having trouble deciding where to begin? Have no fear, WorldStrides is here!  

WorldStrides is the leading company in educational travel. With plenty of inspiring programs to choose from, your student will be immersed in hands on learning to help them figure out their passions. Learn more about WorldStrides programs today.

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