Take Care! Summer Break Teacher Wellness

Congratulations! You survived an exceptionally stressful, demanding school year. The end of a school year brings a range of emotions. You may be a little exhausted, and you’re ready for a break, but you’ll miss seeing your students (whether it was on Zoom or in-person). Simultaneously, maybe you’re excited about what this summer has in store, such as time with family and time to tackle projects and other responsibilities. Incorporating wellness and balance strategies not only will reap immeasurable benefits for yourself, but also can impact those around you. Check out some of the tips below to take care of yourself so that you can present your best self.

  • Put on your oxygen mask first. You probably heard this the last time you were on a plane preparing for take-off. It’s not a selfish act. We must take care of ourselves before we are able to fully help others. However you envision your oxygen mask (maybe it’s regular exercise, quiet time to read, or taking in nature), carve out time in your life to do those activities that help you breathe a little easier when life becomes hectic.
  • Wellness, mindfulness, and balance are individualized. Just because one mindfulness technique worked for one friend or colleague doesn’t mean it’ll necessarily be a good fit for you. Mindfulness takes practice, especially if you plan to introduce it to your students. Wellness generally means “the state of being in good health,” but it can encompass many different aspects, ranging from physical to emotional to environmental. When it comes to balancing your life, think of it as a river – it is every flowing and always changing. What you need to balance family, work, and other interests now may look different than what you needed in March!
  • Listen to your body. Don’t ignore physical manifestations of stress – they can be a clue that it is time to slow down. It is important to keep the scheduled visits to the doctor and dentist and be aware of changing safety precautions. Finally, don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Your body will thank you!
  • Adjust your mindset. It seems easier said than done, right? The truth is that we have a choice in how we manage our time. Sure, even our summer days may be busy, but we prioritize what we want to do with that time. Instead of thinking, “I have to…” change your mindset to, “I get to…” Suddenly, tackling house chores or planning for next year seems more manageable. “I have to rethink this unit,” is now “I get to put a fresh spin on this content and connect more with my students.” Changing your approach to those must-do tasks can make them more enjoyable and less of a stressor.

So take some time to relax and recharge! Remember that when school begins again in the fall, your students will look to you more than ever. Incorporating wellness and mindfulness strategies in the classroom, whether in-person or virtually and in your own life will strengthen you to meet whatever the year sends your way.

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