Tips for Writing a Grant Proposal for your WorldStrides Program

Grants are a great way to support your trip or program beyond traditional fundraising, like bake sales and car washes. Once you’ve found a grant or grants to apply to, what’s the next step? Write a proposal to submit your request! For a proposal to receive funding, the grant maker should be convinced that funding the program will have a positive and measurable effect on the community. (And we sure do think educational travel does!)

Here are some basic tips and steps to help you be successful when writing a grant proposal.

Before You Write

We recommend outlining your proposal by asking yourself these questions before starting to write. You’ll want to make sure  all of these topics are covered in your proposal:

  1. Why? Consider your group’s needs and detail them carefully. Then, list all the many ways students will benefit from the program, and how it will impact them.
  2. What? Provide a general overview of the program. Don’t just list sightseeing activities and inclusions. List specific concepts that will be mastered. Include how you will measure success.
  3. Who? Of course! List the institution, group, key individuals and staff involved with the trip.
  4. When? Include your proposed timeline for travel or participation.
  5. How Much? Outline the fundraising plan, including essential deadlines. Include information about your budget.

Grant Proposal Components

Include these core components in your proposal:

  1. Cover/Face Sheet (including remarks)
  2. Project Approval
  3. Budget Summary Forms
  4. Project Narrative
  5. Certificate and Assurances
  6. Appendixes and Attachments

Parts 1, 2, 3 and 5 are referred to as “boilerplates” when writing a grant proposal, as they follow certain templates. While these are usually forms, they need to be completed with care and precision. Parts 4 and 6, are where you can unleash your creativity!


Don’t forget to include these items. Double check (and check again!):

  1. Objectives to be met by the program
  2. Activities that will meet these objectives
  3. Budget for activities
  4. Method of evaluating the success of fulfilling the stated objectives.

Are you a grant writing professional or a superstar fundraiser? Share your tips at

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