Sometimes it happens—an emergency at home or a sickness can prevent a traveler from going on their trip or interrupt their tour.
We hope this doesn’t happen to you, but to be protected if it does, we recommend covering your educational investment with our comprehensive travel protection plan offered through Trip Mate, our third-party travel protection plan provider. In fact, four out of five WorldStrides travelers protect their tours with our travel protection plan. lines.)
WS Travel Protection Plan
Our standard Travel Protection Plan covers you for the following events:
- A traveler’s injury, sickness, or death of a family member
- Documented theft of a passport or visas
- Flight cancellations due to strike or bad weather
- Loss of luggage and personal effects
- Medical expenses incurred while on the trip
- And much more…
Please see plan details for a full list of covered reasons: Plan Details
The plan exclusion for pre-existing conditions is waived if you purchase the plan within 14 days of your initial deposit/payment for your trip. This plan may not be purchased after you have made the final payment for your trip.
Ultimate Travel Protection Plan
Along with providing you the same benefits as our standard Travel Protection Plan, the Ultimate Travel Protection Plan also includes a Cancel For Any Reason benefit. With our Cancel For Any Reason benefit, if you cancel your trip for any reason not otherwise covered by this policy, we will reimburse you for 75% of the non-refundable cancellation fees which apply to your trip, provided:
- Payment for this plan is received by WorldStrides within 14 days of the initial deposit/payment of your trip; and
- You cancel your trip 48 hours (2 days) or more before your scheduled trip departure date.
This Cancel For Any Reason benefit does not cover:
- Penalties associated with any air or other travel arrangements not provided by WorldStrides; or
- The failure of WorldStrides to provide the bargained-for travel arrangements due to cessation of operations.
The Cancel For Any Reason benefit is provided by WorldStrides and is not an insurance benefit underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company. It must be purchased at enrollment or within 14 days of the initial payment for your trip.
Please see plan details for a full list of covered reasons: Plan Details
Note: Travelers who purchase either plan have ten (10) days to review their purchase and cancel for a full refund. Once the ten days expire, the cost of either plan is non-refundable. The plan cost includes the plan premium and a fee for non-insurance assistance services. You may obtain information on the plan fees by emailing For the Description of Coverage online, view the policy details at Additional information can be found here.
How to Submit a Claim
Before you submit a claim to Trip Mate through your Travel Protection Plan, there are a few things you’ll need to have ready:
- Your Plan Number: UF380D for Travel Protection Plan or UF380D for the Ultimate Protection Plan
- The departure and return date of your trip
- Depending on the reason for the claim, Trip Mate may indicate further documentation is required.
Claims may be reported to Trip Mate by any of the following methods:
- Online – visit
- Phone – call 1-833-297-2255 during business hours.
- Mail – Trip Mate, a Generali Global Assistance & Insurance Services brand, P.O. Box 527 Hazelwood, MO 63042
If you choose to submit your claim online, you will be prompted to enter your plan number (noted above). Make sure to only fill in the fields marked with asterisks.
If you purchased travel protection prior to 4/3/2024 you are covered under plan UF380H. If you purchased a plan after 4/3/2024, then you are covered under plan UF380D.
Please note once finished with the online form, you must print, sign, and send it to Trip Mate.
Note: This advertisement contains highlights of the plans developed by Trip Mate, which include travel insurance coverages underwritten by United States Fire Insurance Company, Principal Office located in Morristown, New Jersey, under form series T7000 et al, T210 et al and TP-401 et al, and non-insurance Travel Assistance Services provided by Generali Global Assistance, Blue Ribbon Bags , and FootprintID® (F369W) and a non-insurance Cancellation Fee Waiver provided by WorldStrides (UF380D). The terms of insurance coverages in the plans may vary by jurisdiction and not all insurance coverages are available in all jurisdictions. Insurance coverages are subject to the terms, limitations and exclusions in the plan, including an exclusion for pre-existing conditions. In most states, your travel retailer is not a licensed insurance producer/agent and is not qualified or authorized to answer technical questions about the terms, benefits, exclusions, and conditions of the insurance offered or to evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance coverage. Your travel retailer may provide general information about the plans offered, including a description of the coverage and price. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service from your travel retailer. Your travel retailer maybe compensated for the purchase of a plan. CA DOI toll free number: 800-927-4357. The cost of your plan is for the entire plan, which consists of both insurance and non-insurance components. Individuals looking to obtain additional information regarding the features and pricing of each travel plan component, please contact Trip Mate, a Generali Global Assistance & Insurance Services brand, P.O. Box 527,Hazelwood, MO 63042; 1-833-297-2255; We are licensed in all states. While Trip Mate markets the travel insurance in these plans on behalf of USF, non-insurance components of the plans were added to the plans by Trip Mate, and Trip Mate does not receive compensation from USF for providing the non-insurance components of the plans.