New Year’s is a time of celebration and hope, and what better way to join in the global festivities than by learning how to say “Happy New Year” in 40 different languages? Matador Network has translated the phrase into 40 different languages. Below are a few I thought would be most helpful to those of you teaching or learning a new language in class this year (plus a couple lesser known ones for fun!). You can read the full list here.
In Afrikaans, say “Gelukkige Nuwejaar” - Pronounced: gha-likkikga-neeva-yaarr (“gh” is a throat scraping guttural sound)
In French, say “Bonne Année” - Pronounced: bon a-nay
In Gaelic, say “Bliadhna mhath ur” Pronounced: Bleenah vahth oohr
In German, say “Frohes Neues Jahr,” or “Gutes Neues Jahr” - Pronounced: frohes neuyis yar, or gutes neu-yis yar
In Italian, say “Buon anno,” or “Felice anno nuovo” - Pronounced boo-on ah-nno / fae-lee-chae ah-nno noo-o-vo
In Mandarin, say “新年快乐” - Pronounced: xīn nián kuài lè
In Maori, say “Kia hari te tau hou” - Pronounced: kia hari tay tau ho
In Portuguese, say “Feliz Ano Novo” - Pronounced: feh-liz an-oh noh-voh
In Quechua, say “Allin wata kachun qanpaq” (singular), or “Allin wata kachun qanqunapaq” (plural) - Pronounced: all-yin wa-ta ka-chun kan-pak, or all-yin wa-ta ka-chun kan-koon-a-pak
In Spanish, say “Feliz Año Nuevo” - Pronounced: feh-liz an-yoh n-way-vo