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10/14/2024 | 2 MINUTES READ

Rarest Tree Frog In The World Found in Costa Rica

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Educational Travel

The tree frog Isthmohyla rivularis is among the rarest animals in the world, spotted just once in the last 25 years and officially categorized as “critically endangered.” But it seems this tiny amphibian has been located again – this time in the foothills of the Turrialba Volcano in central Costa Rica.

This rare tree frog is characterized by a wide snout and dark freckles on its belly. It was thought to have disappeared from its habitat in Costa Rica and western Panama in the late 1980s, but was spotted in 2007 in the Monteverde Cloud Forest. Then, this year, it was spotted again at a higher altitude near the Turrialba Volcano.

This discovery is noteworthy for two reasons: it proves the frog still survives in modern habitats and it shows that the frog lives at a higher altitude than previously believed. In a recent news report, one expert said the frog may have lived in this area for a long time without being discovered or may have moved to the new altitude to adapt to changes in the climate. TheIsthmohyla rivularis remains on the Red List of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which details the conservation of animals.

Costa Rica is home to an amazing 133 species of frogs and toads. Travelers on a WorldStrides DiscoverNow! program in Costa Rica can see and hear tree frogs, poison dart frogs, or even glass frogs during their trip, as these tiny creatures live in every climate of this diverse country!

Costa Rica is an animal lover’s paradise. Which kind of animal are you most excited to see on your DiscoverNow! science program?


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