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04/02/2024 | 2 MINUTES READ

Origins of Dogs Around the World

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Educational Travel

Think about how many different dog breeds there are. Now think about WHERE all these dogs originated. It seems like everyone is obsessed with learning about their ancestries these days, and we love dogs so much it got us thinking – where in the world do some of the most popular dog breeds come from? We love dogs (obviously) and we love a good “where in the world” list (obviously) so here’s a rundown of some interesting dog breed history from around the globe.

Cattle Dog – Australia

The Australian Cattle Dog was originally bred in for droving, you guessed it, cattle! These hard-working pups are known to be energetic and smart. Fun fact! Cattle Dogs are often nicknamed “Red Heeler” or “Blue Heeler” based on their coloring and how they nip at cattle’s heels to get them moooooving (see what we did there)?

Pug – China 

There’s no mistaking the smooshed (that’s a technical term) and wrinkly face of a pug. Pugs originated in China and were brought to Europe in the 16th century. A few centuries later, Queen Victoria developed a passion for pugs, making them even more popular in the United Kingdom.

Shiba Inu – Japan

This dog was bred for hunting in the mountainous terrain of Japan. Shiba Inu’s are small, but very muscular, and have fox-like faces and fluffy curled tails. Inu is Japanese for dog, and Shiba means “bushwood.” Therefore, the Shiba Inu is sometimes called “Little Bushwood Dog.” Makes sense since these dogs used to hunt in wild shrubs.

French Bulldog – France

These small bulldogs originated in the 1800’s when Bulldogs from England were bred with terriers and other “ratters” in Paris, France. French Bulldogs are true companions and love close contact with people. In fact, these cute little pups often experience separation anxiety if they are left alone for too long. Snuggle up!

Beagle – England

Sniff, sniff, sniff. Beagles are small hounds that are known for their outstanding sense of smell. Beagle-type dogs have existed for 2,500 years, but the modern breed we’ve come to love originated in Great Britain in the 1930’s by combining several types of hound dogs. Beagles were originally developed for hunting hare, but these days they are often used as detection dogs working to sniff out prohibited imports in quarantine around the world. Beagles also make excellent pets because of their size and good temper.

Golden Retriever – Scotland

Originally bred in Scotland in the 19th century, Golden Retrievers were developed as gun dogs to retrieve (hints the name) ducks and other birds. Goldens are still used as hunting dogs today, but thanks to their gentle and highly-trainable temperament, they also make excellent disability assistance dogs, detection dogs, and search-and-rescue dogs. Their friendly demeanor has earned them the title of the third-most popular family dog in the United States, fifth-most popular in Brazil, and eighth-most popular in the United Kingdom.

Icelandic Sheepdog – Iceland

These furry friends were originally brought to Iceland by the Vikings. They are energetic and always alert, making them excellent at what else – herding sheep! Did you know? Plague and canine distemper destroyed over 75% of the breed in the late 19th century. This lead to a ban on the importation of ALL DOGS to Iceland. Thankfully, the Icelandic Dog Breeder Association was established to help preserve the cheerful breed.

German Shepherd – Germany

The German Shepherd (Deutscher Schäferhund) is a relatively new breed of dog. They originated in Germany in 1899 with the purpose of herding sheep. Today, thanks to their strength, intelligence, and obedience, German Shepherds are usually the preferred breed for search-and-rescue, police work, and military roles. In his book, The Intelligence of Dogs, author Stanley Cohen ranked the breed third for intelligence, just behind Border Collies and Poodles.

Portuguese Water Dog – Portugal 

Not surprisingly, these pups love the water. Portuguese Water Dogs were originally bred in Portugal and used to herd fish into fishermen’s nets, retrieve broken nets, and act as carriers from ship to ship or ship to shore! Fun fact: if left ungroomed, the hair on a Portuguese Water Dog will grow, and grow, and grow – indefinitely!

Labrador Retriever – Canada 

The modern Labrador originated on the island of Newfoundland, now part of Labrador, Canada when the St. John’s Water Dog was bred with mastiffs brought to the island by Portuguese fishermen. Today, Labs are among the most popular breeds in Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Where in the world are the dog lovers? Right here at WorldStrides! Now go ahead and give your favorite pup a pet…and maybe even a treat.


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