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10/09/2024 | 4 MINUTES READ

Helping Healthcare Workers: A Student Service Project

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Educational Travel

During his Junior year, Logan, a saxophone section leader in his high school’s marching band, traveled to Orlando, FL with WorldStrides Performing Arts. He describes this trip as “a once in a lifetime experience. I had the opportunity to show some leadership, commitment, and responsibility while far away from home. It prepared me for my leadership position in band this year and beyond.”

His leadership and commitment didn’t end there – as part of his trip, Logan was also enrolled in a WorldStrides Service Learning course. The course focuses on students completing a service project of their own design. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Logan knew what his project would be: helping healthcare workers stay positive! Here are some of the ways Logan worked towards helping essential workers during this unprecedented time.

Writing Cards to Nurses in NYC

Handwritten Cards of Appreciation

These notes were sent to New York City nurses on the front line taking care of COVID-19 patients.


During their most stressful and trying time, I hope I made them smile and realize they are appreciated.

Writing Cards to Healthcare Workers and First Responders



These notes were sent to healthcare workers and first responders through Operation Gratitude.


The mental health of the people who serve us during COVID-19 is really important. I had another chance to help send positive messages.

Superhero Greeting Cards

Making T-Shirts for Front-Line Health Care Workers

Crafting with Cricut



Making t-shirts for healthcare workers took many steps over several days, especially for the number of shirts made.


My parents had been tested for COVID-19. The nurses who test patients for hours at a time are at risk daily. I wanted to thank them.


WorldStrides educational travel programs offer adventure and unique experiences for students of all ages, in the US and abroad.


  • Educational Travel