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Scenic view of the ancient city walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia.
10/15/2024 | 2 MINUTES READ

7 Interesting Facts About Croatia


Educational Travel

Scenic view of the ancient city walls of Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Croatia may be known for brutal war battles (hello Game of Thrones!) and medieval architecture, but this beautiful coastal paradise and up-and-coming European destination has some interesting (and some quirky) qualities. Here are 7 interesting facts about the gorgeous European island of Croatia!

  1. Croatia is home to what was once the smallest town in the world in the Guinness Book of Records. The town called “Hum” has a population of only 17 people!
  2. Calling all Game of Thrones fans! By now you probably know the uber-popular HBO series was filmed on the coast of Croatia in Split and Dubrovnik. Today, visitors can even tour some of the filming sites! Winter is coming…but if it’s in Croatia, we don’t mind!
  3. Ahh, the great outdoors. There are eight national parks, 11 nature parks, and two nature reserves in Croatia – making up at least 10% of all the land in the country.
  4. History and culture abounds! Croatia has the highest number of UNESCO Intangible Goods of any European county – 14 goods to be exact. The list of culturally curated traditions includes crafts like lacemaking and wooden toy carving, as well as a host of festivals, music customs, and delicious cuisine.
  5. The Croatian currency is named after a rodent. Yes, you read that right. Croatian money is called the kuna, which is also the word for the marten, a furry ferret-like (and surprisingly adorable) little animal.
  6. Speaking of animals, dalmatians (all 101 of them, ha!) are said to have originated in Croatia. The waterfront area is known as the Dalmatian coast, and the region has been known as “Dalmatia” since Imperial Roman times. The dog’s roots run deep too. In fact, there are illustrations of the breed dating back to the 17th century.
  7. None of this impressing you? How about the “world’s most beautiful sunset?” (According to Alfred Hitchcock anyway.) Hitchcock filmed a sunset in Zadar in 1964, making it world famous as a result. Okay okay, it may not be an official title, but a pretty sunset is always something worth seeing.

Okay, we know the Game of Thrones tour is probably first on your list, but there are lots of reasons to explore culturally incredible Croatia! WorldStrides travelers love our Italy and Croatia program, our Music from Slovenia to Croatia OnStage program, or our Custom University Travel to Croatia!


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