Custom University Travel to the United Arab Emirates | WorldStrides


Custom University Travel to the United Arab Emirates

Nestled among more traditional neighbors in the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates stands out as a stable and wealthy nation with a huge ambition for growth and glamour. A federation of seven emirates ruled by monarchies, revenues are allocated into the UAE’s central, robust budget. Dubai and Abu Dhabi are part playground, part lesson for custom university travel to the United Arab Emirates.
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United Arab Emirates

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  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Arab Emirates

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Designing Your Custom Program

Our approach to faculty-led programs and short-term study abroad is in our name: custom. Like a fingerprint, each faculty-led custom program is unique, and our capabilities across 110+ countries are unmatched. By incorporating your curriculum goals, we source one-of-a-kind experiences that better prepare your students for future careers by exposing them to international culture, businesses, and academic engagements. From selecting your destination to identifying interactive engagements that bring your curriculum to life, our thematic approach ensures that your program is finetuned to the learning outcomes and unique needs of you and your students.


A Personal Partner

Once your program is developed, you’ll work directly with an account manager who will be your champion, working directly with our large team of logistical experts, curriculum specialists, and on-the-ground partners. Our long-time university partners see their account managers as an integral part of their own university teams, ensuring that your program is uniquely yours each and every year.

To begin customizing your program, give us a call at 1-800-422-2368.

Meet Jennifer Fisher

Jennifer Fisher leads our WorldStrides Custom Programs team, working directly with university partners to globalize their curriculum through short-term, faculty-led cultural immersions. Jen brings a passion for customized curriculum solutions to this role after more than 25 years working with institutions of higher learning.

Topics to Explore

In the UAE, you might choose to explore some of the following topics:


In this oil rich nation, it may be surprising to learn that sustainability has gained momentum as a priority for the government. Dubai has pioneered renewable energy benchmarks in the region with a view to a 30% reduction in carbon emissions by 2030. Discuss how a global emphasis on renewable energy is addressed in the Middle East.


UAE is a leader in the latest high-tech IT applications and its IT sector will see a massive boom in the upcoming few years. Learn how this growth will impact education, employment, infrastructure, and global security.


Dubai has risen to become an international tourism destination. Earlier this year, Dubai launched ‘Vision 2020’, which aims to triple the annual contribution made by tourism to the city’s economy. Consider the rise of tourism to Arab countries and how it has become an attractive destination for citizens of western and Asian cultures.


Destination Overview


An incredibly high percentage of expatriates provide the workforce that supports the United Arab Emirates booming economy. Many of those expats also bring incredible wealth, contributing to unprecedented growth that shows few signs of slowing down. Investments in the country’s infrastructure and economic advances in global market IT, energy, and telecommunications businesses are in the billions. Tourism to the UAE is also steadily growing, and the country continues to pursue ambitious plans to bring world-class museums, resorts, and lodging to support the flow of foreign visitors.

The UAE — Dubai and Abu Dhabi in particular—persists in gaining more and more influence on the global economy, and this region of the world is ripe for investment opportunities from many angles. Still, religious and political complications, including human rights issues, sometimes capture the world’s attention instead. As a young country seeking to manage a unique position in the world, the United Arab Emirates will be a continued focus of international observation for many, many years to come.

United Arab Emirates
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