Educator Resources
Hands-on tools for making your educational travel planning and prep process as simple as possible.
Leading an Educational Travel Program
As a Program Leader, you’re the one who starts the dream and sees it through, whether your students climb the steps of the U.S. Capitol, sing at Carnegie Hall, cook pasta in Rome, or play soccer in Barcelona. Most educators travel for free, and can earn awesome rewards and access to exclusive events as part of our family.
6 Unique Travel Program Fundraisers (That parents won't hate)
This white paper features some of the most creative fundraisers we’ve seen. Try them to make your next travel program a reality!
Publicity Toolkit
Tips and tricks from a PR pro to get publicity for your group – whether you’re aiming to amp up your fundraising efforts or just tell the story of your traveling group! We hope you find these tips, ideas, and templates to be helpful along the way.
Press Release Template K-12 Program
This press release template will help you get the word out to local media about your efforts to fundraise for a K-12 Trip
Press Release Template International
This press release template will help you get the word out to local media about your efforts to fundraise for an International Trip
Lesson Plan Washington D.C. Pre-Trip Project
This lesson plan from Alexander Purdy was the winner of our 2018 Lesson Plan Contest! It will help prepare students prior to their Washington, D.C. trip by giving them the background knowledge that will allow them to fully interact with the museums and monuments.
Classroom Hack Keep in Touch With Parents
Start the school year off right with these tips for keeping in touch with your students' parents.
Classroom Hack Fish Eye
This classroom hack will help you keep an eye on your students, even when your back is turned!
Classroom Hack Name Sticks
You will use this classroom hack over and over again, and for many different reasons!
Classroom Hack Stickers on Desk
Here's how putting stickers on the corners of desks in your classroom can help you save a ton of time.
7 Interesting Facts about Costa Rica
Interesting facts about Costa Rica, and a look at what students explore while on a WorldStrides program.
7 Interesting Facts about NYC
Did you know the Statue of Liberty came in pieces? Discover more fun facts about New York City in this video!
7 Interesting Facts about Paris
A few interesting facts you may not have known about Paris, the City of Light!
7 Interesting Facts About Rome
Learn more about Italy's capital city with these interesting facts.
7 Interesting Facts About Romania
Romania is a hidden gem, but we're not keeping its secret! Here are some things to know. We're taking off for Budapest just as soon as we can get our bags packed! For more facts, check out
WorldStrides Student Travel Programs to Washington, D.C.
Learn about our Washington, D.C., programs. See some of the sites we visit, like the Jefferson Memorial, Washington Monument, and the Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial, and hear firsthand from students who have traveled with us and experienced Washington, D.C.'s history up close and personal.
WorldStrides Student Travel Programs to Alaska
Explore America's Last Frontier with your students! Explore Anchorage, observe birds at Potter Marsh, visit Denali National Park to look for wildlife, and stop by the Iditarod Headquarters in Seward!
Traveler Resources
Find tools to help you raise money, celebrate your accomplishments, and get ready for the experience of a lifetime.
The Complete WorldStrides Fundraising Guide
Our 15-page guide with fundraisers galore! Use these proven ideas from our Program Leaders and staff to raise money for your upcoming travel program. (Plus, check out our special fundraising site for more great information.)
Passport and Visa Photo Guide
Taking a passport or visa photo is as easy as taking a selfie, right? Wrong! The rules, plus tips and tricks of taking passport of visa photo.
Packing List - International
Use this list to help you pack for your international trip abroad. Be sure to pack a phone or camera for your trip.
Packing List - Washington D.C. and New York
This list will help you pack for your trip to discover the monuments and memorials of Washington, D.C.
Packing List - Costa Rica
This list will help you pack for your adventures exploring the vibrant rain forests and unique wildlife of Costa Rica.
Packing List - East Coast
This list will help you pack for your trip to discover the monuments and memorials of Washington, D.C. and the East Coast.
Packing List - Florida
Use this list to help you pack for your trip to discover the wonders of Florida.
Packing List - Iceland
This list will help you to pack for your visit to Iceland and discover the wonders of the land of fire and ice.
Packing List - California
This list will help you pack for your historical discovery of the early days of California.
Packing List - Illinois
This list will help you to pack for your trip to discover two incredible cities; Olde Springfield and New Springfield.