The Edinburgh and Dublin Lacrosse Experience | WorldStrides


The Edinburgh and Dublin Lacrosse Experience

Discover the history of lacrosse in Edinburgh and Dublin on this action-packed lacrosse experience! Start by visiting can't-miss cultural sites like Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood House, then explore medieval fortresses and prehistoric monuments at Stirling and Newgrange. Enjoy training sessions with your team, play friendly matches against a local club or academy team, and advance your skills on this one-of-a-kind lacrosse adventure.
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  • Itinerary

9 days
  • Edinburgh Castle
  • Loch Lomond
  • Trinity College

Your adventure, day by day

Day 1 : Start tour
Day 2 : Hello Edinburgh
Meet your Tour Director and check into hotel

Welcome meeting and orientation

Lacrosse training session led by your coaching staff

Participate in a training session at a local field in the area.


Day 3 : Edinburgh
Edinburgh guided sightseeing tour

Edinburgh Castle, the historical and emotional heart of the city, is just one of the many sights you will see on this tour, led by a licensed professional guide. Make your way along the Royal Mile, the main thoroughfare of the 16th and 17th centuries. It's actually one mile and 107 yards long from Edinburgh Castle to the Palace of Holyrood House! As you make your way along cobbled streets, you'll see a handful of the several thousand buildings officially protected in Edinburgh because of their architectural or historic importance. The 200-foot spire of the Sir Walter Scott Monument soars above the East Princes Street Gardens. Grand figures from Scottish history adorn its heights, make sure you also look down--the figure below the marble statue is Scott's favorite dog, Maida.


Day 4 : Edinburgh
Free time in Edinburgh

Friendly lacrosse match

Play an international friendly match against a local club or academy team. Your team will meet and compete against athletes of similar ages and skill levels and have the opportunity to make friends for life.


Day 5 : Edinburgh—Dublin
Fly to Dublin

Lacrosse training session led by your coaching staff

Participate in a training session at a local field in the area.


Day 6 : Dublin
Trinity College visit

Discover Trinity College, the oldest university in Ireland. Trinity was founded in 1592 by Queen Elizabeth I. The beautiful campus features cobbled squares, gardens, a picturesque quadrangle, and buildings that date from the 17th to 20th centuries. Trinity College is also home to the Book of Kells, an 8th-century version of the four Gospels decorated with elaborate scripting and illumination. We will view this famous treasure and other early Christian manuscripts in the Colonnades, an exhibition area on the ground floor of the Old Library.

Friendly lacrosse match

Play an international friendly match against a local club or academy team. Your team will meet and compete against athletes of similar ages and skill levels and have the opportunity to make friends for life.


Day 7 : Dublin
Experience Gaelic games

Actively participate and learn more about the Irish sports and its role in Irish society. Four Gaelic sports, including Gaelic football hurling, have been on the island for over two thousand years, and the vast majority of Irish have a special place in their heart just for "their team."

Dublin city walk

Get a friendly introduction to Ireland’s capital city, led by your Tour Director. Discover an urban landscape of Georgian buildings, castles, and cathedrals. Stroll bustling O’Connell Street, once (at 150 ft wide) the widest street in Europe, and still the busiest thoroughfare in Dublin. Pass shop after shop of local and global wares and flairs, as well as a lush street-meridian lined with tall trees and ebony statues of Irish leaders. Make your way to the end of the strip to Parnell Square, an antique scape of red brick townhouses and classic Irish theaters. As you wander the streets, take in the international glamour of Ireland’s most cosmopolitan city.


Day 8 : Dublin
Newgrange visit (UNESCO World Heritage Site)

Visit Newgrange, Ireland's best-known prehistoric monument and one of the archaeological wonders of Western Europe. This amazing feat of engineering is 36 ft high, 260 ft in diameter, and consists of 200,000 tons of stone, including a 6-ton capstone.

Friendly lacrosse match

Play an international friendly match against a local club or academy team. Your team will meet and compete against athletes of similar ages and skill levels and have the opportunity to make friends for life.


Day 9 : End tour

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