4 New Technologies For The Classroom

Technological advancements have been a part of the classroom for years with the adaption of things like desktop computers and overhead projectors, some of the earliest versions of which are now on display in museums. As our use of technology grows by leaps and bounds, here are a few innovative ways teachers are using technology in their classrooms in 2017.

3D Printing

3D printers are being incorporated into a wide variety of disciplines, from computer science and math, to more traditional vocational subjects. Students interested in engineering principles, for example, are combining 3D printing with CAD software to create mini-models. Science teachers may print out 3D models of subject matter such as atoms and anatomy for students to touch and study. Learn more about using a 3D printer here.

SMART Boards

SMART boards are making their way into more and more classrooms. These computer-connected white boards use a projector and special pens to allow teachers to write the day’s lesson, as well as record it. Teachers can use the board to explain a concept, then save the lesson for students to re-watch later.

In addition to SMART boards, some schools are incorporating LCD screens on students’ desks that allow lesson interaction, the use of educational apps, and even the ability to connect with other students around the world.

Cloud Computing

Laptops and tablets are classroom staples these days. Now, school districts are moving to cloud computing programs that allow teachers and students to upload assignments, interact with one another, and even access their textbooks. The excuse of “the dog ate my homework” has become endangered with the addition of cloud computing in classrooms!

Augmented Reality

Some schools have begun experimenting with augmented reality, using advancements like Google Glass. When combined with apps, students are able to virtually visit places all over the world and even view the solar system. While nothing replaces the experience of traveling to those places firsthand, AR can be used to explore the world outside of textbooks.

Technology is always evolving. What technology are you using in your classroom? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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