Dwight D. Eisenhower is Born in Texas

Did you know there has been the same number of presidents born in Texas as in North Carolina? How about the fact that more presidents have been born in Virginia than any other state? Surprisingly, the number of states that U.S. presidents have been born in is actually quite high, especially given the fact that there’s only been 43 presidents. All U.S. presidents have been born in 22 of the 50 states (or colonies that later became a state).

Dwight D. Eisenhower and Lyndon B. Johnson are the only two presidents born in Texas, but Eisenhower actually spent most of his life in Abilene, Kansas. Surprisingly, neither of the Bush presidents was born in Texas: George H.W. Bush was born in Massachusetts and George W. Bush was born in Connecticut.

Here’s a complete list of where each president was born.


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